Photo of the Day for November 15, 2012

My favorite produce sellers.  Шчырыя прадаўцы за шчодрай лаўкай. The sellers at the roadside farmstands in Il’lja are always affable and always offer the freshest, tastiest produce.  It’s worth making a detour through Il’lja, especially on the weekends. Смакатаааа.  Заўсёды са сьціплай усьмешкай. Il’lja 2012.  Ільля 2012 год.

Third Anniversary of / Сайту спаўняюцца тры гады

November 12, 2012 Today is RadzimaPhoto’s third anniversary. Let me express my profound gratitude to all of you who visit the site, my profound appreciation to everyone who posts a comment. This site is a Book of Hours, a chronicle of the cycle of the year in light beyond time and time beyond light.  Each… Continue reading Third Anniversary of / Сайту спаўняюцца тры гады