Photos of the Day for August 28, 2017

Trinity Monday photo expedition through Pinsk and Stolin Districts:  Polkhava, Mjasjatsichy, Vujvichy, Tyrvovichy, Sitsitsk, Plotnitsa, Rukhcha, Radchytsk, Stolin, Davyd-Haradok.

Фотавандроўка ў дзень Сьвятога Духа па Пінскім і Столінскім раёнах:  Полхава, Мясяцічы, Вуйвічы, Тырвовічы, Сіціцк, Плотніца, Рухча, Радчыцк, Столін, Давыд-Гарадок.


The district seat of Stolin in central Polesia (Pripet Marshes) still contains a range of early 20th-century buildings.  This is one example, a commercial building, probably Jewish-built and, until the consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact,  Jewish-owned.  Stolin 2017.  

Местачковая забудова з пачатку 20-га ст., Столін 2017 г.





Preparations for the 2017 regional harvest festival (dazhynki – дажынкі), to be held in September in Stolin District’s second city Davyd-Haradok.  It is established practice for the city awarded the festival to undertake an accelerated and long-awaited program of public works.  In at least two cases in Davyd-Haradok, the work involved wholesale refurbishment and adaptation of historic buildings with no regard for accurate restoration and destruction of one historic building.

Падрыхтоўка да вобласных дажынкаў, Давыд-Гарадок 2017 г.



Former barracks of the Polish Border Guard (KOP) as it looked (in a photo from 2013) before this summer’s preparations…

Былыя кашары польскіх памежнікаў (KOP), 2013 г….



…and under heavy-handed “renewal” in 2017.

…і пад “аднаўленьнем“ у 2017 г.





Historic wooden hotel, which the Soviet regime confiscated in 1939 after attacking Poland in concert with Nazi Germany, in a photo from December 2016.  The authorities tore down the hotel in mid-2017 and built a parking lot in its place.

Страчэная спадчына:  гістарычны драўляны атэль, які савецкая ўлада заканфіскавала пасьля нападэньне на Польшчу разам з Нямеччынай у верасьні 1939 г., і які сучасная ўлада знішчыла ў сярэдзіні 2017 г. дзеля паркоўкі.





Redesign of the central square.  The authorities moved the garish statue of Lenin, which used to stand in the center of the square, to a less prominent place (but with a new plinth) in front of a 1908 building constructed in the classic Russian Imperial/Pale style.  The building was originally a four-class primary school and now houses the local history museum and children’s craft center.

Пры аднаўленьні цэнтральнай плошчы перамясьцілі нязграбны помнік Леніну, які стаяў ц цэнтры плошчы й перашкодзіў від на царкву, на новы мраморавы пастамент перад местачковай забудовай 1908 г., дзе зараз месьціцца краязнаўчы музэй.





Fortunately, the authorities will leave in place the historic cobblestone street from the interwar Polish Republic.  However, they ordered the painting of house facades but not the sides of the houses visible from the street.

На шчасьце ўлады захоўваюць гістарычную брукаванку часоў міжваеннай Польшчы.


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