Belarus in Faces (part L). Беларусь у тварах (частка L). Second cousins Andrej (Andrjusha) and Jahor, Tsjerablichy 2012. Траюрадныя браты Андрюша й Ягор, Цераблічы 2012 год.
Month: May 2012
Photo of the Day for May 20, 2012
Preparing a hothouse, Azdamichy 2012. Падрыхтоўка парніку, Аздамічы 2012 год. Cucumbers are a key element of the diet in Belarus and the surrounding region and an important private-farming export from Belarus to the markets in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Many families have constructed the frames for cucumber hothouses in their yards. Each spring the (extended)… Continue reading Photo of the Day for May 20, 2012
Photo of the Day for May 19, 2012
Granny Marusja, her daughter-in-law Tanja and Tanja’s daughter Tanjusha prepare to lap plastic siding for cucumber hothouses. Цётка Маруся з нявесткай Таняй і Танінай дачкой Танюшай падрыхтуюць клейку плёнак на парнікі. The cucumber, eaten fresh or pickled, is a major item in the diet of Central and Eastern Europe and of Russia. Through the independent… Continue reading Photo of the Day for May 19, 2012
Photo of the Day for May 18, 2012: Belarus in Faces XLIX / Беларусь у тварах XLIX
Belarus in Faces (part XLIX): Photographer Ul’jana. Беларусь у тварах (частка XLIX): Фатограф Ульяна. Belarusian friends introduced me to the name of Ul’jana Mjel’nik (Ульяна Мельнік) through a wonderful documentary on her work as a Polesian photographer by Belarusian filmmaker Jury Haruljou (Юры Гарулёў) and scriptwriter Vjachaslau Il’jankou (Вячаслаў Ільянкоў). A resident of the small… Continue reading Photo of the Day for May 18, 2012: Belarus in Faces XLIX / Беларусь у тварах XLIX
Photo of the Day for May 17, 2012
Spring Cleaning, Vjeras’nitsa 2012. Уборка, Верасьніца 2012 год. In early spring the air in the Central Pripet region is hazy from both the meticulous spring cleaning in yards and from the burning of wood to force cucumber seedlings for the earliest possible bumper crop.
Photo of the Day for May 16, 2012
Removing a splinter. Стрэмка ў пальцы. Tsjerablichy 2012. Цераблічы 2012 год.
Photo of the Day for May 15, 2012: Belarus in Faces XLVIII / Беларусь у тварах XLVIII
Belarus in Faces (part XLVIII). Беларусь у тварах (частка XLVIII). Vjeras’nitsa 2012. Верасьніца 2012 год.
Photo of the Day for May 14, 2012
Mjensk Tram 2012. Па Лагойскім тракце, Менск 2012 год.
Photo of the Day for May 13, 2012: Churches of Belarus XIV / Цэрквы Беларусі ХIV
Churches of Belarus (part XIV). Цэрквы Беларусі (частка ХIV). Orthodox Church of the Transfiguration, Chashniki 2007. Царква Праабражэньня Гасподняга, Чашнікі 2007 год.
Photo of the Day for May 12, 2012
Smarhon’ District 2008. Смаргоньшчына 2008 год.