Euromajdan / Еўрамайдан / Євромайдан

With reverence for the Ukrainian nation and solidarity with those who have made the first 30 days of Euromajdan. З пашанай да ўкраінскай нацыі й да першых 30 дзён Еўрамайдану. Слава Україні! Гімн Україні Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля, Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля. Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на… Continue reading Euromajdan / Еўрамайдан / Євромайдан

Photo of the Day for December 19, 2013

To commemorate the Orthodox feast of St. Nicholas (December 19).  З нагоды Міколы. Icon of St. Nicholas, Monastery of the Dormition, Pustynki 2013.  Абраз Сьвятога Міколы, Манастыр Усьпеньня Прасьвятой Багародзіцы, Пустынкі 2013 год. The monastery at Pustynki was one of the most important Greek-Catholic establishments in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth before the partitions of Poland and… Continue reading Photo of the Day for December 19, 2013

Photos of the Day for December 18, 2013

Roman-Catholic feast of the Assumption (August 15), church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pinsk 2013.  Унебаўзяцьця, касьцёл Унебаўзяцьця Найсьвяцейшай Панны Марыі, Пінск 2013 год. The celebratory Mass for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was the farewell Mass for Father Stanislau, the parish’s beloved priest for 19 years.  It was an… Continue reading Photos of the Day for December 18, 2013

Photo of the Day for December 17, 2013

Roman-Catholic feast of the Assumption (August 15), church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pinsk 2013.  Унебаўзяцьця, касьцёл Унебаўзяцьця Найсьвяцейшай Панны Марыі, Пінск 2013 год. Bishop Dzjam’janka blesses parishioners’ harvest baskets and flowers at the end of the celebratory Mass.

Photo of the Day for December 16, 2013

Roman Catholic feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15), Church of the Assumption, Pinsk 2013.  Унебаўзяцьця, касьцёд Унебаўзяцьця Найсьвяцейшай Панны Марыі, Пінск 2013 год. Throughout Belarus parishioners bring flowers and fruit to be blessed at the conclusion of the celebratory Mass for the feast of the Assumption.

Photo of the Day for December 15, 2013

Churches of Belarus (part LII):  Former Calvinist Church, Former Zavishau Estate, Kukhtsichy 2012.  Храмы Беларусі (частка LII):  былы кальвінскі збор, былая сядзіба Завішаў, Кухцічы 2012 год. This Calvinist church, built from 1560-1570, reflected the brief (one-generation) spread of Calvinism among the aristocracy of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Photo of the Day for December 14, 2013

The Extraordinary in the Ordinary:  Hands (part XV).  Надзвычайнае ў звычайным:  Рукі (частка XV). Hard-working, protective, guiding.  Yet ever graceful and always in their proper place.  I think Belarusan hands reveal most eloquently Belarusans’ distinctive and instinctive traditions and attachment to place. Працавітыя, абараняльныя, ды навучальныя але абавязкова зграбныя, дбайныя, і, як заўсёды, складзеныя належным… Continue reading Photo of the Day for December 14, 2013

Photo of the Day for December 13, 2013

Belarus in Faces (part CVI):  Vishnjeva (Valozhyn District) 2013.  Беларусь у тварах (частка CVI):  Вішнева (Валожынскі раён) 2013 год.