The feast of Trinity is also a time for high school reunions. Many thanks to the Azdamichy high school class of 1981 for inviting me to photograph their 35th reunion on Trinity Sunday. Azdamichy 2016. Вялікі дзякуй выпуснікам школы ў Аздамічах за запрашэньне здымаць іх 35-годдзе. Аздамічы, Сьвятой Тройцы 2016 г. Four Vjeras. Чатыры… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 11, 2016
Month: August 2016
Photos of the Day for August 10, 2016
Portraits of Polesia: Azdamichy 2016. Партрэты Палесься: Адзамічы 2016 г.
Photo of the Day for August 9, 2016
Portraits of Polesia: Azdamichy 2016. Партрэты Палесься: Аздамічы 2016 г.
Photo of the Day for August 8, 2016
Portraits of Polesia, Azdamichy 2016. Партрэты Палесься, Аздамічы 2016 г. Three sisters on Trinity Sunday: Efrasin’nja, Eudakia and Nadzja. Тры сястры падчас сьвята Тройцы: Ефрасіньня, Еўдакія й Надзя.
Photo of the Day for August 7, 2016
Portraits of Polesia: children’s communion, Azdamichy 2016. Партрэты Палесься: дзіцячае прычасьце, Аздамічы 2016 г.
Photos of the Day for August 6, 2016
Portraits of Polesia, Azdamichy 2016. Партрэты Палесься, Аздамічы 2016 г. Granny Halja kindly let me take her portrait, and then asked me to take another one with her grandchildren. Бабуля Галя, потым з унучкай і ўнукам.
Photos of the Day for August 5, 2016
Trinity, Azdamichy 2016. The feast of Trinity is a time for family reunions in Azdamichy and Tsjerablichy. I photographed this lovely young girl as she helped decorate the church in Azdamichy for Easter in 2009 (first photo), and again this Trinity as she returned with her son to visit her family. На Тройцу аздамцы і… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 5, 2016
Photos of the Day for August 4, 2016
Trinity Sunday, Church of the Holy Trinity, Azdamichy 2016. The parish of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy celebrates its patronal feast on Trinity Tuesday, but the Trinity Sunday service is also well attended. Сьвятой Тройцы, царква Сьвятой Тройцы, Аздамічы 2016 г. Прыход у Аздамічах сьвяткуе свой прастольны сьвяток у аўторак, трэці дзень Сьвятой Тройцы, але… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 4, 2016
Photos of the Day for August 3, 2016
Vespers on the eve of Trinity Sunday, Tsjerablichy 2016. Вячэрня напярэдадні Сьвятой Тройцы, Цераблічы 2016 г.
Photos of the Day for August 2, 2016
Ivan and Ljuda’s four children. It has been a pleasure to watch Iavan and Ljuda’s family grow and to watch their kids growing up over the past seven years. Дзеці Івана й Люды. Ivan returns home with reeds to spread for Trinity. Спадар Іван з лепухай на Тройцу. Ivan with his youngest son… Continue reading Photos of the Day for August 2, 2016