Photo of the Day for December 22, 2009

Drinking milk warm and fresh from the cow is a treat everywhere and for everyone. Kljas’tsitsy 2007/Клясьціцы 2007 Kachanovichy 2007/Качановічы 2007 Tsjerablichy 2009/Цераблічы 2009

Photos of the Day for December 21, 2009

In honor of the Czech photographer Jan Reich (1942-2009), who died suddenly and unexpectedly from cancer November 14 at the age of 67.  У гонар вялікага чэскага фатографа Яна Рэйха (14.05.1942 – 14.11.2009), які раптоўна і нечакана памёр ад раку 14 лістапада ва ўзросьце 67 гадоў.  Na počest velkého českého fotografa Jana Reicha (1942-2009). With… Continue reading Photos of the Day for December 21, 2009

Photo of the Day for December 17, 2009

Four generations in Khlupin (2007)/Чатыры пакаленьні ў Хлупіне (2007): Maria (97) with her granddaughter/Спадарыня Марыя (97) з унучкай Maria with her daughter and two great grandchildren/Спадарыня Марыя з дачкой і праўнукамі

Photos of the Day for December 15, 2009

Polesian Whimsy: The first photo shows a cafe whose name in Russian, Бутербродная романтика (“Butjerbrodnaja ramantjika”; the Belarusan would be written, and pronounced, differently: Бутэрбродная рамантыка), can be translated as “Romance of the Open-Faced Sandwich”. The second photo shows a country store whose name, Стырь (written in Russian), while referring to the Styr (Стыр in… Continue reading Photos of the Day for December 15, 2009

Photos of the Day for December 14, 2009

In honor of Belarusan poets, part I: Анатоль Сыс (Anatol’ Sys), 1959-2005.  A native of Haroshkau in Rechytsa district of the Pripet region of southern Belarus, and a devoted voice of the Belarusan language, Sys published three anthologies during the meteoric poetic trajectory of his short life.  The first was Агмень (“Ahmjen’”), a rarely-used Belarusan… Continue reading Photos of the Day for December 14, 2009

Photo of the Day for December 13, 2009

Sjemuradtsy 2007 (to mark Advent III and St. Lucia’s Day)/Семурадцы 2007 (з нагоды ІІІ Нядзелі Адвэнту і ў гонар Сьвятай Люцыі)