Aljes’ Bjaljatski (September 25, 1962): Belarusian writer, patriot, human rights defender, active in the Belarusian cultural and political revival from 1981, founder of the human rights center Vjasna-96 (now Vjasna). Imprisoned by the current regime in 2011 and sentenced to a four-and-a-half-year term, released in 2014; imprisoned in July 2021.
Wishing Aljes’ happy birthday and many happy returns of the day, a quick release from unjust detainment, health, happiness and many more productive years in a free Belarus.
З днём народзінаў, спадар Алесь! Жадаем Вам хуткага вызваленьня, здароўя, шчасьця ды яшчэ шмат гадоў далейшага плёну ў свабоднай Беларусі.