Preparing the church for Easter, Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity, Azdamichy 2013. On Holy Saturday parishioners gather to clean their church and decorate the interior with freshly-ironed covers and runners.
Падрыхтоўка да Вялікадня, царква Сьвятой Тройцы, Аздамічы 2013 год.
Blessing of Easter bread for Tsjerabljuki on Holy Saturday, Azdamichy 2013. Here Father Aljaksandr blesses bread brought from the neighboring village of Tsjerablichy by parishioners who are unable to attend the all-night Easter service. Tsjerablichy has now built its own church and as of 2014 Tsjerabljuki will have their bread blessed in their own village.
Асьвячэньне кулічоў для прыхаджанаў з Церабліч, Аздамічы 2013 год. С 2014 года асьвячэньне для цераблюкоў адбудзецца ў новай царкве ў Цераблічах.