Today, March 11, the leading on-line Belarusian newspaper Nasha Niva reported the destruction by fire of the beautiful 18th century wooden church of St. Dz’mitry in Ljelikava (Лелікава) in the southwestern region of Belarusian Polesia (Pripet Marshes):
The church was a classic example of the Polesian style of wooden church architecture: dignified, plain-spoken, inviting. The loss of this church is another painful blow to Belarus’ architectural heritage. Condolences to the parish. May the church rise again as it was.
Наша Ніва дзяліцца жахлівымі навінамы: згарэла царква Сьв. Дзьмітря ў Лелікаве (Кобрынскі раён):
Спачуваньні прыходу. Молімся за поўную, правільную рэстаўрацыю.
Here is a view as I saw the church in 2013:
Царква была сьціплым, годным ўзорам палескага драўлянага царкоўнага дойлідства 18-а ст. (фота з 2013 г.):