Still Life I. Нацюрморт (частка І).
A homey scene for Belarusans: just-made halubtsy (stuffed cabbages), placed in the bowl on the right, await the oven; a single piece of pig fat (sala), used to grease the pan, remains in the jar in front of a jar of home-made pickles from home-grown cucumbers; a half-full jar of fresh milk from the family cow stands in the right rear.
Tsjerablichy 2011. Цераблічы 2011 год.
Ці напалову пустая банка з малаком:)? Галубцоў пакаштаваць давялося:)?
Правакацыя! 🙂 Галубцы былі проста райскі смачныя.