Photo of the Day for August 17, 2012

Lowing at the Gate, Tsjerablichy 2012.  У нецярплівым чаканьні каля брамкі, Цераблічы 2012 год.

The Pjetrusjevichs’ cow had recently calved, and her udder was painfully full after a day in the meadows.  While the rest of the family was tied up with other evening chores, I heard the cow lowing impatiently at the gate and went to open it for her.  With a baleful look she asked, “What took you so long…and who are you?” and plodded to the barn to nurse her calf and be milked.


  1. I love this! I think you would do very well in Wyoming 🙂 and I’m sure she was happy you showed up!

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