Photo of the Day for August 28, 2012: Feast of the Icon of the Savior Not-Made-by-Human-Hands

Patronal feast of the Icon of the Savior Not-Made-by-Human-Hands, Rubel’ (Rubjel’) 2011.

Rubjel’, whose other Orthodox church is an architectural masterpiece from 1796, is one of a series of Pripet villages which stoutly resisted the Soviets’ attempt to close churches, wipe out the Christian faith, and impose atheism. The church choir, shown here, is one of the best in the diocese.

Прастольнае сьвята абраза Спаса Нерукатворнага, Руьэль (Рубель) 2011 г.

Рубэльскі царкоўны хор адзін з найлепшых у эпархіі.