Photo survey of the patrimony of Smarhon’ District 2016: Staryja Baruny, Kreva, River Vilija, Rybaki, Markoutsy, Smarhon’, Kalpjaja, Zabalats’tsje, Vuhljany, Vojstam
Фотавандроўка па спадчыне Смаргоньскага раёна 2016 г.: Старыя Баруны, Крэва, рака Вілія, Рыбакі, Маркоўцы, Смаргонь, Калпяя, Забалацьце, Вугляны, Войстам
Parts of Western Belarus remain dotted with homesteads (khutar – хутар). Homesteads were created during the land reform of 1923-26 while these lands were part of the interwar Polish Republic. Remarkably many of these homesteads have survived the continuing oppressive legacy of Soviet collectivization, under which the occupying Soviet authorities forced smallholders into collective farms.
A khutar embodies the common Belarusian’s yearning to be self-sufficient and left alone to work his own land, no matter how small his holding is.