Photo of the Day for February 25, 2013

Vadokhryshcha 2013 (part I).  Вадохрышча 2013 год (частка І).

It is a tradition throughout the Orthodox world to commemorate the baptism of Christ in the River Jordan by immersing oneself in a river or lake.  The commemoration takes place on Orthodox Theophany (equivalent to Western Christian Epiphany), January 19.

In Belarus this tradition is being revived in communities across the country.  Waters are normally ice-bound on January 19 so the local priest organizes the cutting out of a pool, most often cross-shaped.  After the priest blesses the water and the assembled crowd, parishioners take turns entering the water and crossing themselves before each of three immersions.  In the historic central Polesian city of Davyd-Haradok the church chose a spot in the River Haryn’ under the bridge where the ice is reliably thick.

This ancient rite is full of mystery and devotion.  However, just as Father Ryhor strove here in Davyd-Haradok to avoid having the rite lose its sacred function, it was a challenge to chronicle in photographs an occasion that at times risked looking like a spectacle for onlookers.  It would be a worthy goal to photograph this rite in future years at a site where all who are present take part in the immersion, including me.

Davyd-Haradok, January 19, 2013.  Давыд-Гарадок 2013 год.