After the celebratory liturgy for the lay Brotherhood of St. Spyridon Trimythous at the church of the Transfiguration in Zaslauje, Father Mikalaj talked at length with members of the brotherhood about how to increase their proselytizing and other spiritual outreach.
The church was built in the late 16th century as a Calvinist church; the bell tower was added in the 18th century. After the crushing of the anti-Russian uprising of 1863, the Czarist authorities gave permission to the Russian Orthodox Church to claim the building and convert it into an Orthodox church.
Пасьля ўрачыстай літургіі, айцец Мікалай размаўляў на доўга з валанцёрамі пра магчымасьці пашыраць іх душпастэрскую й місіянерскую працу.