For 15 years Father Jan, priest-dean of the Iuje deanery, has led an early-July pilgrimage from his parishes to the Marian sanctuary in Trakeli in Harodnja (Grodno) Province. This Marian celebration takes place the first or second Saturday in July after the main Belarusian Marian festival at Budslau (for Budslau see, e.g., photos for July 26, 2011; July 2, 2011; and July 2, 2010). Thousands of pilgrims assemble in Trakeli from Belarus and neighboring countries.
Штогодная пілігрымка з парафіей Іўеўскага дэканату ў Тракелі.
On the road to Lazduny in 2010. Па дарозе ў Лаздуны 2010 год.