Wandering the back roads 2017: return to Jabravichy (Smarhon’ District) II/VIII.
Belarus is not immune to the worldwide trend of depopulation of villages and rural areas. However, the Belarusian regime’s insistence on retaining collective (state-owned) farming and refusal to return to private ownership of farmland has sharply added to the decay and degradation of rural life in so much of the country. Nevertheless, an individual sense of homestead order is deeply rooted in Belarusian culture and some villages manage to retain their architectural patrimony and private industriousness — Jabravichy is one such village.
Па бакавых дарогах 2017 г.: зноў у Ябравічы (Смаргоньскі раён) II/VIII.
Heritage of solid wooden houses and neat homesteads: view along the main street (see also photo from October 31, 2016).
Спадчына саліднага драўлянага хатняга дойлідства: від уздоўж галоўнай вуліцы (гл. таксама фота 31 кастрычніка 2016 г.).