Photo of the Day for June 30, 2014

Expedition to the concentration of ethnotoponyms (ethnically-, tribally- or geographically-related toponyms) around the district center of Ljakhavichy (Ляхавічы) in western Belarus (part VII):  Rusinavichy (Русінавічы).

Rusyns (Ruthenes, Ruthenians) were Slavic inhabitants of Rus’ (Kievian Rus’), territory later incorporated into the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and now lying in Ukraine and Belarus.  The train station in Rusinavichy is named after the Rejtan (Рэйтан, Rejtan) family.  Tadeusz Rejtan was a patriot of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, famous for his 1773 gesture of defiance against the first partition of the Commonwealth; the former Rejtan estate and mausoleum at Hrushauka (Грушаўка), a great pilgrimage site for all who treasure the history of the Commonwealth and the patrimony of Belarus, lies just a few kilometers to the northeast of the station.

Вандроўка па этнатапонімах вакол Ляхавічаў (частка VІІ):  Ятвезь, Вялікая Лотва, Літва, Туркі, Сакуны, Ляхавічы, Русінавічы, Жомайдзь (Клецкі р.), Мазуркі, Цыгань, Літоўка, Русіно.


Train station. 
