Belarus in Faces (part CXXX): two-week-old Nas’tsjushan’ka (Anastasia), Tsjerablichy. Беларусь у тварах (частка СХХХ): Насьцюшанька, Цераблічы 2014 год.
Nas’tsjushan’ka (Anastasia) was born in the early hours of January 7, Orthodox Christmas. Very best wishes for health and happiness to her and her family.
Belarusian, like other Slavic languages, uses a wealth of diminutives to describe degrees of affection, emotion, and a child’s world. Indeed, one could consider Nas’tsjushan’ka to be the fifth level of her name: Anastasia –> Nas’tsja (the normal nickname, or, in Polesia, Nastakha) –> Nas’tsjusha –> Nas’tsushka –> Nas’tsjushan’ka.
Насьцюшанька нарадзілася рана на Раства Хрыстова. Здароўя, шчасьця й найлепшых пажаданьняў ёй і яе сям’і.
A lovely story for a beautiful, peaceful child.
Thank you.
Beautiful baby.
Thank you, Nancy.