Oak Trees of Belarus. Oak Grove near Borki (Zhytkavichy District) 2014. Дубы Беларусі. Дуброўка ля в. Боркі (Жыткавіцкі раён) 2014 год.
This line of trees forms a small part of a rare open oak grove. The grove spreads out between the main channel of the Pripet (Prypjats’ – Прыпяць) and the left-bank tributary Skrypnitsa, some eight miles (12 kilometers) south of Zhytkavichy. The oak is sacred to Belarusians, and the grove drew national attention when, in the spring of 2012, regional authorities ordered the cutting down of a number of scattered old oaks on the fringes of the grove. The resulting outcry led the authorities to halt further cutting.
Джон, у нас ужо вельмi ветлiвае вясновае сонейка :-).
Што ж не ведаю? 😉 Шкадую, што я не ў вас на радзіме, каб змог здымаць вашу раннюю вясну. Дарэчы маю цэлы стус здымкаў са студзеньскых вандроўяк, якія хочу паказваць. 😉