Granny Marusja, her daughter-in-law Tanja and Tanja’s daughter Tanjusha prepare to lap plastic siding for cucumber hothouses.
Цётка Маруся з нявесткай Таняй і Танінай дачкой Танюшай падрыхтуюць клейку плёнак на парнікі.
The cucumber, eaten fresh or pickled, is a major item in the diet of Central and Eastern Europe and of Russia. Through the independent entrepreneurial spirit and hard work of families in the eastern part of the Stolin District of Polesia, the district supplies a large portion of the cucumbers for the markets in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Many families have constructed the frames for hothouses in their yards. Each spring the (extended) family methodically laps narrow sections of plastic sheeting to replace the previous year’s covering. The recovered hothouses are then planted with the seedlings which have been forced in smaller hothouses during the cold days and nights of late March. Forcing the seedlings requires reloading the hothouse stove with wood every two hours throughout the night.
Tsjerablichy 2012. Цераблічы 2012 год.