Patrimony of Ivatsevichy District (2012): Bytsjen’, Ljubishchytsy, Kosava, Bjaljavichy, Marachoushchyna, Busjazh
Спадчына Івацэвіцкага раёна (2012 г.): Быцень, Любішчыцы, Косава, Бялявічы, Марачоўшчына, Бусяж
Churches of Belarus (part CCCXLVIII): Orthodox (originally Greek Catholic) chapel of the Dormition (1654-1673, remodeling in the 19th century).
With the Union of Brest in 1595-96, Greek-Catholicism (Orthodox in liturgy but in communion with Rome; also known as the Uniate church) became the predominant confession in the Belarusian lands. An estimated 70% or more of the population was Greek Catholic before the occupying Russian Empire repressed Greek Catholicism and forced its adherents in the Belarusian lands to convert to Russian Orthodoxy starting in 1839.
Bytsjen’ was the site of the most prominent Basilian (Greek-Catholic) monastery in the Belarusian lands. The chapel is all that remains of the Basilian monastery; the lantern was added after the Russian imperial authorities forced the conversion of the monastery to Russian Orthodoxy in 1845.
Цэрквы Беларусі (частка CCCXLVIII): царква (першапачаткова грэка-каталіцкая капліца пры базыльянскім кляштары) Успеньня Прасьвятой Багародзіцы. Капліца будаваная ў 1654-1673 гг., барабан дададзен у другай палове 19-ша ст., пасьля таго, як імперская ўлада перадала базыльянскі кляштар Маскоўскай патрыярхату.