Vasil Pjetrusjevich, tired but satisfied after working with his wife and his father to plant potatoes in his mother-in-law’s plot a couple of kilometers outside the village. Potatoes form a central part of the Belarusian diet. It is thus crucial to finish planting in time to ensure a good harvest in the relatively short growing season in Belarus. Adding to the stress is the fact that people have only the weekends to plant. As a holdover from the Soviet regime, there is no private ownership of agricultural land in Belarus. People in the villages are dependent on the collective farms to assign plots; the collective farms assign plots arbitrarily, often on marginal land, and in some villages almost too late to allow successful planting.
Посьпех: пасьля засажваньня бульбамі.
Tsjerablichy, May 2011. Цераблічы 2011 год.
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