Photo of the Day for May 27, 2022

Survey of the patrimony of Astravjets District (Mali, Filipany, Varnjany, Varona, Hjervjaty, Rymdzjuny, Hiry) and Smarhon’ District (Dehisi, Ivashkautsy, Hautsy, Navaspask, Kreva, Milejkava) 2016.

Фотавандроўка па спадчыне Астравецкага (Малі, Філіпаны, Варняны, Варона, Гервяты, Рымдзюны, Гіры) і Смаргоньскага (Дэгісі, Івашкаўцы, Гаўцы, Наваспаск, Крэва, Мілэйкава) раёнаў 2016 г.


Extended house-barn complex (pahonny dvor).  This style of homestead is found across north-western Belarus.

Rymdzjuny, like Hervjaty, is located in a region near the border with Lithuania and the mother tongue of many residents is Lithuanian.  Similarly on the Lithuanian side of the border one finds villages where many residents’ mother tongue is Belarusian.


Пагонны двор.