Churches of Belarus (part XXX): Orthodox Church of St. George (completed by 1724), Davyd-Haradok 2012. Цэрквы Беларусі (частка ХХХ): царква Сьвятога Юр’я (дабудавана да 1724 г.), Давыд-Гарадок 2012 год.
To celebrate the Orthodox feast of St. George, when villagers traditionally led their cows out to the fields for the first time in the year. З нагоды Сьвятога Юр’я.
This church is well preserved but now rarely used in favor of the early 20th century stone church in the center of town. St. George’s is one of a series of exceptionally beautiful wooden churches — each unique in its design — in the Central Pripet area of Polesia. The parishes are splendidly vigorous in their faith and many resolutely resisted Soviet atheism.