Photo of the Day for November 23, 2011

Oak Grove (part III), Panjamon’ 2009.  Дуброва (частка ІII), Панямонь 2009 год.

Panjamon’ is a quiet village straddling the River Neman (Njoman – Нёман) in the middle of the Nalibaki Woodland (Налібоцкая пушча) in west-central Belarus.  The woodland retains traces of its former primaeval-forest nature, including scattered oak groves, despite the effects of  Soviet “amelioration” through drainage of most of the area’s marshes.   This oak grove is enchanted at all times of the year:  in the crisp light of autumn as the leaves and acorns fall, in winter blanketed by snow, or in spring after the dozen or so pairs of stork have returned to their venerable nests.

Дуброва, чароўна-зачараваная і ў крамяным асьвятленьні восені, калі падаюць лісты і жалуды, і пад сьнежнай коўдрай, і ўвесну, калі ў свае спрадвечныя бусьлянкі вяртаюцца тузін птушыных пар.