Photo of the Day for November 26, 2011

Honoring the great European writer Uladzimir Karatkevich (November 26, 1930 – July 25, 1984).

Паклон вялікаму эўрапейскаму пісьменніку Уладзіміру Караткевічу (26 лістапада 1934 – 25 ліпеня 1984).

Poet, prose writer, essayist and playwright, Uladzimir Karatkevich was a leading voice of the Belarusian national revival during the wilderness years of the mid-1950s to mid-1980s.  His tone — lyrical and yet stoic — and the way his language embraces the simple beauty of the Belarusian countryside evoke the dignity, resilience and quiet determination of the Belarusian nation.  In this regard the rose hips in this photo recall his poem “The Rose Hips and the Rose” (“Шыпшына і ружа“) and the oak tree in the left background his story “The Tree of Eternity” (“Дрэва вечнасьці“).