Catholic and Orthodox churches throughout Belarus hold a special service of blessing for pupils and university students and for the beginning of the school year. In the Orthodox parish of the Holy Trinity (villages of Azdamichy and Tsjerablichy) Father Aljaksandr traditionally performs the blessing after the liturgy for the feast of the Dormition, August 28.
Here pupils sit in the churchyard awaiting the start of the service.
Ужо пэўнай традыцыяй стала дабраслаўленьне вучняў і студэнтаў на новы навучальны год, якае праводіць айцец Аляксандр у царкве Сьвятой Тройцы (прыход вёсак Аздамічы й Цераблічы) пасьля ўсьпенскай літургіі.
Azdamichy 2012. Аздамічы 2012 год.