World War I Cemeteries (part LXV): collective grave of 2,500 soldiers of the Russian imperial army who fell in the Narach offense against the German imperial army in 1916.
It was the practice of the Russian imperial army to bury its Eastern Front World War I dead in individual graves marked with wooden crosses, which soon decayed. With the Bolshevik seizure of power and subsequent absorption of the eastern Belarusian lands into the Soviet Union, the Soviet regime neglected Russian World War I cemeteries and allowed them to fade into oblivion. Only with the efforts of Belarusian local historians and volunteers have some Russian World War I cemeteries, and in some cases named gravestones, been restored.
Могілкі Першай сусьветнай вайны (частка LXV): брацкія могілкі 2.500 салдатаў Расейскай імперскай арміі, упалых у Нарачанскай аперацыі 1916 г., Княгінін 2013 г.