A striking reminder that summer is ending is the mid- to late-August mass migration of storks from Belarus to their winter home in the Nile Delta. Groups of storks assemble into large flocks and, wheeling and spiraling to catch favorable air currents, soar off to the south. Fledglings, forced to sleep away from the nest once they can fly, depart a week or more before their parents.
On my way to the August 15 Assumption Day mass in Dudy in the northwestern Grodno region, I watched this flock of fledglings form up and fly off over the village of Ljeljuki.
15 жніўня, на Ўнебаўзяцьце, я ехаў на ўрачыстую імшу ў Дуды і мне пашчасьціла ўбачыць, як буські зьбіраюцца ў вырай і ляцяць над вёскай Лелюкі.