Apple-Blessing Festival/Feast of the Transfiguration (Jablychny Spas), Azdamichy, August 19, 2013. Яблычны Спас, Аздамічы 2013 год.
After Father Aljaksandr has blessed parishioners’ apples and pears, people carefully wrap up their fruit before Father Aljaksandr makes his third and final circuit, when everyone kisses the cross. While they wait, many families indulge their children and grandchildren, who have been waiting patiently during the last two hours of the service, by allowing them to sneak a taste of the season’s first apples. Here the granny in the middle background took her grandson’s apple in mid-bite so that — in her mind — he would appear properly in the photo, but she forgot her granddaughter, who squirreled her latest bite deliciously in her cheek.
…squirreled her latest bite deliciously in her cheek. :))