From a mid-January photo survey of the patrimony of north-eastern Valozhyn District. З вандроўкі па спадчыне паўночна-усходняй Валожыншчыны.
Churches of Belarus (part LXIII): Orthodox church of the Annunciation (1867), Zabrez’zje, January 2014. This church, nestled in a grove of trees, is another example of the so-called Muravjouki (Муравёўкі). These churches were built by the Moscow Patriarchate in concert with the oppressive Russification policies of the Russian imperial authorities after the defeat of the Polish-Belarusian-Lithuanian uprising of 1863-64.
Цэрквы Беларусі (частка LXIII): царква Дабравешчаньня Прасьвятой Багародзіцы (1867), Забрэзьзе, студзень 2014 г.
Churches of Belarus (part LXIV): Roman Catholic church of the Holy Trinity (transformed 1997-99 from a commercial building), Zabrez’zje, January 2014. Although this church is not architecturally distinguished, it is welcome evidence of the revival of Roman Catholic parishes in Belarus.
Касьцёлы Беларусі (частка LXIV): касьцёл Сьвятой Тройцы (перабудаваны 1997-99 гг. з былога магазіну), Забрэзьзе, студзень 2014 г.