Rhythms and rites of approaching spring (X/X): pruning the orchard, Tsjerablichy 2016. Рытмы й абрады надыходзячай вясны (Х/Х): уборка саду, Цераблічы 2016 г.
No matter how attached one becomes to certain trees, the time comes — usually just before spring — when one has to cut them down. In the late 1930s or at the beginning of the 1940s Maksim Kryzhan, father of Granddad Ivan (see photos for 15.II.2013, 02.XI.2012, 12.VII.2012, 11.V.2012, 14.II.2012, 12-13.VII.2011, 11.III.2011) planted an apple tree next to which Granddad Ivan built a new family home in the difficult years after World War II. Although having outlived granddad Ivan, who died in 2013, the tree, weakened and hollowed out, finally died from the extended drought of 2015 and Maksim’s great-grandson Kos’tsja had to cut it down earlier this year.
Stump of great-granddad Maksim’s apple tree. Пень яблыні прадзеда Максіма.
Part of the hollowed-out trunk. Частка ствала.
Wood from great-granddad Maksim’s apple tree. Дрэва з яблыні прадзеда Максіма.