Rhythms and rituals of approaching spring (V/X): new hothouses for cucumbers. Рытмы й абрады надыходзячай вясны (V/X): новыя парнікі для вырошчваньня агуркоў.
This year Vasil’ and Katsja decided to rebuild their hothouse in another part of the farmyard. Сёлета спадар Васіль і спадарыня Каця вырашылі перабудаваць свой парнік у іншай частцы двара.
Carrying the main posts.
Digging the post holes to a depth of three feet (90 cm.).
Placing and setting the posts.
Vasil’s younger daughter Tats’tsjana, home from university for the weekend, carefully watches her father’s progress.
A snowfall on the first day of spring delayed the laying of the roof beams and wrapping of the hothouse with plastic sheeting.