Festival of Hodigetria (part II), Dzisna 2008/Адзігітрыя (частка II), Дзісна 2008 год
The Hodigetria of Dzisna, based on an original Byzantine icon, is an image of the Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child and pointing to Him as the savior of mankind. Dzisna, a small city on the Dzvina River northwest of Polatsk, is the only place in Belarus where the Hodigetria is celebrated with an annual festival, on August 10. After a service of veneration in the church, the icon is borne around the church and through the streets of the town. During the procession the thousands attending the celebration leave an offering in the trough below the icon and then pass underneath up to three times.
Пасля службы абраз нясуць вакол царквы і па вуліцах горада. Падчас працэсіі тысячы ўдзельнікаў фэсту пакідаюць ахвяраваньні ў латаку пад абразом і потым праходзяць пад абразом па тры разы.