Trinity Monday photo expedition through Pinsk and Stolin Districts: Polkhava, Mjasjatsichy, Vujvichy, Tyrvovichy, Sitsitsk, Plotnitsa, Rukhcha, Radchytsk, Stolin, Davyd-Haradok.
Фотавандроўка ў дзень Сьвятога Духа па Пінскім і Столінскім раёнах: Полхава, Мясяцічы, Вуйвічы, Тырвовічы, Сіціцк, Плотніца, Рухча, Радчыцк, Столін, Давыд-Гарадок.
Churches of Belarus (part CCXVI): Orthodox church of the Intercession, Tyrvovichy 2017.
This classic example of Polesian wooden church architecture may date from the 18th century; the narthex was added much later. It is a relief to see that the parish has not substituted alien golden onion domes for the traditionally-shaped cupolas.
Цэрквы Беларусі (частка CCXVI): царква Покрыва Прасьвятой Багародзіцы, Тырвовічы 2017 г.
Villages like Tyrvovichy that are off the main track — thus untouched by contemporary building materials (e.g., cinder blocks, siding, metal fences) — retain their patrimony of traditional vernacular architectural styles. Tyrvovichy’s houses offer splendid examples of decorated gables, as in the first two photos; masterly variations on the wooden frieze which is a standard element in wooden houses of Polesia; corner pilasters, as in the third photo; and decorated window frames (lishtvy), here in the fourth and fifth photos repeating the overlapping motifs of a lintel in Polkhava (see photos of the day for August 18, 2017).