Trinity Sunday, Church of the Holy Trinity, Azdamichy 2016. The parish of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy celebrates its patronal feast on Trinity Tuesday, but the Trinity Sunday service is also well attended.
Сьвятой Тройцы, царква Сьвятой Тройцы, Аздамічы 2016 г. Прыход у Аздамічах сьвяткуе свой прастольны сьвяток у аўторак, трэці дзень Сьвятой Тройцы, але царква таксама поўная поўная на службе ў нядзелю.
Note the birch branches at the window. Birch branches are placed in and on churches at Trinity as a traditional symbol of the life-giving force of the Holy Spirit and, from a deeper, pre-Christian tradition, of spring.
Father Aljaksandr circles the interior of the church, censing the congregation and the nave to ward off Satan.
The host and three-armed candelabra for Holy Trinity.
Просвіра ды падсьвечнік для Сьвятой Тройцы.
Anointing with holy oil.
Tending the candle holders is an important lay function in Orthodox churches.
Children’s communion.
Дзіцячае прычасьце.
Kneeling for an extended prayer at the end of the service. The parish of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy follows a tradition of kneeling at various points during the Holy Trinity service.