Photos of the Day for December 29, 2015

Photo expedition to Valozhyn District (Vjalikija Kryvichy, Rusaki, Tatary, Tatarskija, Aharodniki, Epimakhi) and Maladzjechna District (Dubrava), IV/V.  Фотавандроўка па Валожынскім (Вялікія Крывічы, Русакі, Татары, Татарскія, Агароднікі, Эпімахі) і Маладзечанскім (Дубрава) раёнах, IV/V.

Churches of Belarus (part CXXIV):  ruins of the Roman Catholic church of the Assumption (1796-1805; in 1868 the Russian Orthodox Church expropriated the church and renamed it in honor of the Nativity of the Mother of God), photos from 2013 and 2015.  The church survived intact until the 1980s.

Касьцёлы Беларусі (частка CXXIV):  руіны касьцёла Ўнебаўзяцьця Найсьвяцейшай Панны Марыі (1796-1805 гг.; у 1868 г. Руская Праваслаўная Царква ўзяла храм і перайменавала яго ў гонар Нараджэньня Прасьвятой Багародзіцы).  Фота 2013 і 2015 гг.

In summer the church facade is partially obscured by the foliage of surrounding trees, and I have thus included a photo from January 2013 to give a clear view of the facade.

The 1980s fire which destroyed the roof left the nave exposed to invasion by plants and trees.

A photo from January 2013 to give a clearer view of the nave and columns.

Grave of Father Edward Muron’czyk, killed October 20, 1942.  Магіла Ксяндза Эдўарда Муроньчыка, забітага 20.Х.1942.