Honoring the grave of former parish priest Father Aljaksandr Varnitski during the procession, patronal feast of the Holy Trinity, Orthodox church of the Holy Trinity, Azdamichy 2018.
The memory of Father Aljaksandr (1916-2003) is beloved to older members of the parish. They recall his pastoral skill, wit and resilience during 47 years of parish service in Azdamichy, most of those years under the bleak, repressive atheism of the Soviet regime.
У магілы былога й любымага сьвятара ў Аздамічах а. Аляксандра Варніцкага (1916-2003) пры хрэсным ходзе, прастольнае сьвята Сьвятой Тройцы, царква Сьвятой Тройцы, Аздамічы 2018 г.