One-year wake (paminki – памінкі) for Maryja Mal’tsjevich. Tsjerablichy 2018.
After a memorial service in church and visit to the grave, family members host a ritual meal in the home where the deceased died. The paminki cycle can include up to seven ritual meals at set intervals over the year following burial. These photos show the meal at the end of the year-long cycle in memory of Maryja Mal’tsjevich. Among the ritual dishes served is kanun (канун), a syrup of water and honey in which pieces of specially baked buns or saltless crackers are soaked. In this area of Polesia, at the beginning of the meal the bowl of kanun is passed from person to person, each guest at the table eating three spoonfuls. The bowl is passed around the table in the same manner at the end of the meal.
Сьветлая памяць: памінкі па Марыі Мальцевіч у гадавіну яе сьмерці – перадача кануна вакол стала. Цераблічы 2018 г.