Feast of the Theophany (Vadokhryshcha – Вадохрышча), Azdamichy 2019.
Falling on January 19, Vadokhryshcha is one of the 12 great feasts in the Orthodox Christian liturgical cycle.
Vadokhryshcha commemorates both the Theophany and the baptism of the Lord. This Orthodox feast is thus the equivalent of Western Christian Epiphany (January 6) as it was celebrated until the institution of a separate Roman Catholic feast for the baptism of the Lord. The Orthodox ritual of blessing of water, in remembrance of Christ’s baptism, celebrates the first clear appearance of the Trinity (God revealing Himself through His voice, as the Holy Spirit descending on Christ, as Himself incarnate in Christ).
Вадохрышча, Аздамічы 2019 г.
Father Aljaksandr blesses the water to be distributed to parishioners and the water parishioners have brought from home. Parishioners will use the water throughout the year to protect their house against misfortune and themselves against disease.
Асьвячэньне вады.
Kissing the cross at the end of the service.
Цалаваньне крыжа напрыканцы службы.
Distribution of water blessed by Father Aljaksandr.
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