Blessing the Host (Prosphora), vespers on the eve of the great Orthodox feast of the Baptism of Christ/Theophany (Vadokhryshcha), Tsjerablichy 2020.
The Eastern Orthodox January 19 feast of the Baptism of Christ/Theophany corresponds to western Christian Epiphany; thus the vespers on January 18 is the Orthodox equivalent of Twelfth Night elebrations in western Christian confessions.
Асьвячэньне прасьвіркі, вячэрня на Трэцяю (Ваданосную) куцьцю напярэдадні сьвята Хрышчэньня Гасподняга/Богаяўленьня (Вадохрышча), Цераблічы 2020 г.