Photos of the Day for February 20, 2016

Winter photo expedition to northwestern Baranavichy District (IV/VI):  Vjalikaja Svarotva, Stramilaushchyna, Malaja Svarotva, Mouchadz’, Ljushnjeva.  Баранавіцкі раён узімку (IV/VI):  фотавандроўка па вёсках Вялікая Сваротва, Страмілаўшчына, Малая Сваротва, Моўчадзь, Люшнева.

Continuing on our way through the northwestern corner of Baranavichy District, we arrived in Mouchadz’.  With about 950 inhabitants, Mouchadz’ is the largest of the villages we visited on this expedition.

Mouchadz’ from the other side of the River Mouchadz, a right-hand tributary of the Njoman.  Від на Моўчадзь з другога боку р. Моўчадзь.


Churches of Belarus (part CXXXVII):  Orthodox church of the Apostles Peter and Paul (1869-1873).  Цэрквы Беларусі (частка CXXXVII): царква Сьв. апосталаў Пятра й Паўла (1869-1873).

Churches of Belarus (part CXXXVIII):  Evangelical Protestant church.  Цэрквы Беларусі (частка CXXXVIII):  царква хрысьціянскай веры евангелічнай.


What distinguishes Mouchadz’ is its patrimony of vernacular village architecture. The first photo shows the line of old houses/former shops lining the south side of the old market square.  Шэраговая забудова ля колішнім рынку.

Former Jewish shop.  The large Jewish population of Mouchadz’ was practically annihilated in 1942 during the German-led mass murder of East European Jewry.  Колішняя жыдоўская крама.


Two older traditional wooden houses — probably pre-World War II.  Дзве традыцыйныя — верагодна даваенныя — хаты.


Former mill.  Былы млын.