Photos of the Day for February 22, 2020

Feast of the Baptism of Christ/Theophany (Vadokhryshcha – Вадохрышча), Azdamichy 2020.

Falling on January 19, Vadokhryshcha is one of the 12 great feasts in the Orthodox Christian liturgical cycle. 

Vadokhryshcha commemorates both the baptism of the Lord and the Theophany.  With its focus on baptism and water, Vadokhryshcha corresponds to Western Christian Epiphany (January 6) as Epiphany used to be celebrated until the institution of a separate Roman Catholic feast for the baptism of the Lord. 

The Orthodox ritual of blessing of water, in remembrance of Christ’s baptism, celebrates the revelation of the Trinity:  God revealing Himself through His voice, as the Holy Spirit descending on Christ, as Himself in Christ.


Вадохрышча, Аздамічы 2020 г.



Anointing with holy oil during matins.
