Photos of the Day for February 23, 2013

Vadokhryshcha (Orthodox Theophany), Church of the Holy Trinity, Azdamichy 2013.  Вадохрышча, царква Сьвятой Тройцы, Аздамічы  2013 год.

Orthodox churches following the Julian calendar celebrate the Theophany (equivalent of Western Christian Epiphany) on January 19.  Called Vadokhryshcha in Belarus, the feast celebrates the first appearance in our world of the Holy Trinity, at the baptism of Jesus Christ.  In commemoration of Christ’s baptism, at the conclusion of the service the priest blesses water which parishioners will use to protect their homes and their health.

It has been a blessing to attend Vadokhryshcha services in Belarus since 2007.  This was the fourth year in a row I have celebrated the feast in my favorite parish of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy in the central Pripet area of Polesia.

Here parishioners lay out containers of water for Father Aljaksandr to bless.

Паклон Айцу Аляксандру й прыходу царквы Сьвятой Тройцы ў Аздамічах.

Father Aljaksandr blesses parishioners and their containers of water.  Асьвячэньне вады.