Old-New Year’s Eve in Polesia: Al’shany 2017.
With no luck in finding groups of Old-New Year’s Eve carolers in Davyd-Haradok, I headed east a few kilometers to Al’shany, still classified as a village, although it has 7,000 inhabitants. Al’shany has a very large population of evangelical Protestants who, as farmers, have turned the area into the cucumber capital of Belarus and whose prosperity is reflected in their California-size houses.
У чаканьні шчадрэца на Палесьсі: Альшаны 2017 г.
As I entered Al’shany a whirl of activity on the canal below the road caught my eye — girls figure-skating and boys briskly clearing off a hockey rink, all managing to stay out of one another’s way.
Пры ўездзе ў Альшаны зьвярнуў увагу на бурную дзейнасьць на замерзлым канале ля дарогі — дзяўчынкі ў зграбным катаньні на каньках пакуль хлоцы энергічна чысьцілі лёд для хакейны каток.