Photos of the Day for February 27, 2016

Candle-making for the parish church, Tsjerablichy 2016.  Ever since the September 2014 consecration of the village church of the Resurrection in Tsjerablichy, Vjerka and Halja have volunteered to make candles for the church.  They use either beeswax from Vjerka and her husband Misha’s hives or, as here, stubs collected from the paraffin candles parishioners have bought and lit in church.  The molds and wicks are home-fashioned, and the women deftly and thriftily re-use the tape with which they bind the molds.

Выраб сьвечак, Цераблічы 2016 г.  Верка й Галя дабраахвотна вырабляюць сьвечкі для царквы Ўваскрасеньня Хрыстова ў Цераблічах — з воску з вулеяў Веркі й яе мужа Мішы ці, як тут, з астаткаў парафінавых сьвечак прадаваных у царкве.


While Halja watches closely, Vjerka trims the wicks before pouring molten paraffin wax into the molds.


Vjerka fills the molds while Halja lines up the wicks for the next batch of candles.


Vjerka and Halja carefully wind the binding tape from a just-filled mold to the next empty one.


Vjerka rolls each freshly-molded candle to smooth out any blemishes.


Twenty candles for the parish church.