Belarus in winter: feast of the Circumcision of Christ (January 14), Pachapava 2016. Беларусь узімку: сьвята Абрэзаньня Гасподняга (14 студзеня), Пачапава 2016 г.
Churches of Belarus (part CXXXII): Orthodox church of the intercession of the Holy Mother of God (1867, ruined by Soviet partisans, restoration completed 2004 — see photos of the day for January 31, 2016 and August 7, 2015). Цэрквы Беларусі (частка СХХХІІ): царква Покрыва Прасьвятой Багародзіцы (1867, зруінаваная савецкімі партызанамі, адрэстаўраваная 2004 г. — гл. таксама фотаздымкі дня з 31-га студзеня 2016 г. і 7-га жніўня 2015 г.).
Warm felt boots for a freezing January day. Валёнкі.
Within the standard forms of the Orthodox liturgies, parishes have their own traditions. In Pachapava parishioners cluster around the priest for his reading of the Gospel and he lays the Bible briefly on parishioners’ heads as he reads. This is a practice other parishes use when priests read the Gospel during halts in the procession around the exterior of the church.
Чытаньне Эвангеліі.
Father Vasil’, who in 2015 was assigned to assist the elderly Father Georgij, and who became the parish priest after Father Georgij’s death on December 13, 2015. Father Vasil’ is the son of Father Aljaksandr from Azdamichy.
Айцец Васіль.