Polesia in winter: Rubel’ 2011. Палесьсе ўзімку: Рубэль (Рубель) 2011 г.
Churches of Belarus (part CCXXXV): Orthodox church of the Archangel Michael (1796).
Цэрквы Беларусі (частка CCXXXV): царква Сьвятога Міхала Арханёла (1796 г.).
Churches of Belarus (part CCXXXVI): Orthodox church of the Image of the Savior, Not Made By Hands (1993).
Rubel’ is renowned as a wellspring of Orthodox priests. As the parish expanded after the fall of the Soviet empire and could no longer fit in the historic church, parishioners undertook to build this new church.
Цэрквы Беларусі (частка CCXXXVI): царква абразу Спаса Нерукатворнага (1993 г.).