Eastern Orthodox great feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Mother of God (IV/V): children’s communion. Azdamichy, December 4, 2016.
The parish of the Holy Trinity in Azdamichy preserves the tradition — once shared by other confessions — that men stand on the right (the epistle side), and women on the left (the gosfel side). The only time I move to the women’s side is to photograph children’s communion from the only practicable unobstrusive photographic angle.
Праваслаўнае вялікае сьвята Ўвядзеньня ў храм (Ахвяраваньня) Прасьвятой Багародзіцы (IV/V): дзіцячае прычасьце. Аздамічы, 4 сьнежня 2016 г.